Studio Binder is a new cloud-based production tool that's looking to simplify the call time process for cast and crew. The service lets you store projects and cast/crew information in the cloud, delivering a simple interface to schedule call times to all members of your team via text message or e-mail. You can include personal messages to individual members, as well as checking in on those who have confirmed their call time to make sure you don't end up being short on the day. Studio Binder is tackling a process that should be simple, but strangely hasn't been up to this point. I've seen PDF email attachments used in the past, and I've also seen shared Google spreadsheets. Neither of those solutions are particularly elegant, and they both lack several features that Studio Binder can deliver, like confirmations and reminders. Not only is this a simpler solution for crew and cast members, but it also gives producers quick access to all the relvant information about everyone on set. If your wardrobe department needs to manage a large number of people then they also get quick access to information about everyone who will be on set for each particular day of shooting. Even your catering department can get in on the act by checking for particular dietry requirements for people on set that day.
I love the clean and clear design of this app, offering just what is needed and nothing more. Basic scheduling with Studio Binder will be free, with some other features saved for the premium version. We don't yet know the price of the premium version, or exaclty which features will be a part of it, but I think it would be safe to say that the ability to send call times as text messages would have to be part of the premium model.
A lot of my work doesn't involve a huge cast or crew, but it's for exactly that reason that I've bookmarked Studio Binder. I don't want a hugely expensive piece of production management software, it's simply not practical for my freelance style of work. Every now and again I do have 10+ people to worry about for a shoot and when those occasions present themselves, it looks like Studio Binder will be a great solution.
Studio Binder isn't quite ready for publick consumption yet, but head over to their website and leave them your email address and they'll notify you as soon as it launches. I'm really interested to see how the pricing models work when that information is revealed!
Watch The Promo Video –>>
Quickly view crew profiles
View confirmations and add personal notes and reminders to individual crew members

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