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10 Ways Digital Can Help You Thrive in a Recession


Experience Matters has a good take on how the digital economy will handle recession.


The question isn’t if we’re heading into a recession. It’s how bad will it be—and what we learn from it? As marketing budgets feel the squeeze of the housing crisis and a slowing U.S. Economy, now is a good time to think about opportunities. That’s right. Opportunities. It just happens that the digital medium could be your best friend in a time when belts tighten. Here’s a few though starters for how digital can help your business or brand thrive in a recession:

1. Live by the rules of The Beta Economy

2. Leverage Existing Platforms

3. Switch Tubes

4. Don’t Just Entertain, Engage

5. Coordinate Infinite Touch Points

6. Prototype Often

7. Trade Focus Groups For Digital Ethnography

8. Think Outside The Banner

9. Embrace Delight By Functionality

10. Listen

Full run down at Experience Matters

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