“Conversation”: Anatomy of Another HD Spot


This kind of spot is a natural for film–but we shot it on HD. And unless you’re looking very, very closely, you’ll never be able to tell. “Bright, cheery, pretty”–that was my mandate. This political spot for California’s No on Prop 8 campaign required a warm, familiar and cozy feeling, and originally we pitched the […]

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Marketing Automation for Brand Content Management

Michael Moon President & CEO, GISTICS, Inc. will be speaking as part of Kodak’s Executive Breakfast Series at Henry Stewart’s Digital Asset Management conference in LA 10-11/11/08. Entitled Marketing Automation for Brand Content Management, this session will explore how the world’s leading companies are leveraging technology to drive process efficiencies. Michael will discuss key strategies […]

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To the untrained eye, it looks a lot like chaos.

Enterprise marketing management and the vastness of online marketing Enterprise marketing management (EMM) software is, to a marketer-technologist such as myself, the Holy Grail of 21st century marketing. Like enterprise resource planning (ERP) for operations, its aim is to provide a holistic, integrated view of an organization’s entire marketing universe — an overarching umbrella that […]

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Intro to CS4 and New AVCHD Editing

Intro to CS4 and New AVCHD Editing 4

Click Here for VideoWith the various price ranges of AVCHD cameras, tapeless workflows will surely reach the mainstream in the near future. I’ve been using CS4 internally for quite a while and have been totally converted to the new CS4 workflow. Take a look at the quick workflow video and see what’s new in Production […]

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Color Correction Tutorial

This is another in an ongoing series of color correction video tutorials taken from the upcoming revised edition of my book “Color Correction for Video” (originally released as “Color Correction for Digital Video” co-written by Jaime Fowler.) This tutorial shows how you can use the Geometry Room (one of the tabs along the top of […]

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Register for Max 2008

Register for MAX 2008, Adobe’s annual event for designers and developers, and be among the first to experience Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 software. Join thousands of other Adobe users at special networking events, in-depth labs, and sessions that explore leading-edge techniques and technologies. This year’s MAX introduces the Art Directors Invitational Master Class (ADIM@MAX)–a two-day, […]

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Do you have a business bailout strategy?

10 Useful Cost Saving Design Strategies for These Troubled Times I’m sure all of you will agree with me that we will have tough times to come. Troubled people don’t spend money, rather they hoard it. This means our consumer product and development industry will be affected. Logically, many companies tighten their belts and cut […]

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Dipping Your Toes into Motion


So you’ve been working with Final Cut Pro for awhile now. And recently you or your organization upgraded to Final Cut Studio 2. You’ve heard about all these great new features of Motion, and you’ve been meaning to check them out. Really. But you’re always on a deadline, so you fall back on doing your […]

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