I saw three different Blu-ray related links from ianshepherd on Twitter this morning. I love my Blu-ray discs and my Playstation 3 which sees a lot more duty as a Blu-ray player than a gaming machine. Yes there’s the argument that disc-based entertainment is yesterday’s technology and Internet delivery is the future. That may be true at some point in the future but at this point in time Blu-ray still looks better than HD movies from iTunes and Comcast HD. Plus, I like to throw that DVD on the shelf. And many of the Blu-ray supplements are top notch. The Dark Knight
And the links: Where we stand on Blu-ray Disc – DVD guru Bruce Nazarian rounds up exactly where Blu-ray stands thus far.
Petition to stimulate adoption of Blu-ray Disc publishing – One of the biggest obstacles to Blu-ray adoption are the steep licensing fees to get a disc professionally replicated. I think that a lowering of those fees would a much better adoption of Blu-ray in the corporate world and secondary markets where Internet delivery isn’t as desirable.
And even more people are joining the IDMA’s campaign on reducing the licensing fees. The more the better.