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8 Things Document Automation Can Do For Your Company

8 Things Document Automation Can Do For Your Company – Digital Landfill.

As standard documents become more complex, and organizations adopt new systems and technology, the information for these documents needs to come from different places. Pricing information may come from a financial management, sales configuration or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, while customer contact details may be stored in a customer relationship management (CRM) or contract management system. Other parts of these documents may only need to be included in certain situations, or spreadsheets that contain charts that need to somehow be incorporated. This process is often time consuming, unwieldy and error-prone. Organizations can gain extra efficiencies and optimize their resources by automating the creation of standard documents. Automation can also extend traditional templates to become more powerful by taking advantage of new technologies and other data sources.

8 Things Document Automation Can Do For Your Company

1 — Increase Accuracy and Compliance with Changing Regulations.

By using templates and automating the document creation process, resulting documents will include the most up to date content, and will be completed accurately. By example this ensures the latest terms and conditions are applied and the right customer name is used throughout. In addition, automation enables you to keep up-to-date with changing regulations. Changes can be made to the templates in advance of the regulatory change date and published at a set time, managing business risk.

2 — Ensure Consistency.

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