If you are like many of the photographers that I know, the importance of proper digital asset management (DAM) has not set in. For many of you, your DAM solutions involve a similar wofkflow that involves shooting an assignment, ingesting/downloading photos, applying metadata, tagging and editing your selects, delivering edited photos to your client, backing up to an internal/external drive and hopefully burning a backup of the complete take on CD/DVD. For those of us that shoot RAW, this is time consuming process that yields little long-term protection to our photos and no chance to quickly locate our files should a client need a something specific in a rush. For those reasons, a hosted DAM solution like Critical Axiom’s Photocore is a logical choice that can save you time and money. In this post, I will share my workflow and why Photocore is so important.
In 2007, shortly after shooting the SEC Tournament here in Atlanta, I lost my whole take due to a hard drive failure in my Mac Book Pro. Every game of the tournament was shot RAW, and as unfortunate as it was, I never had a chance to edit the complete take or back it up — great strobed photos lost forever. The only photos left are the photos that were edited between games and uploaded toUS Presswire, the first Photocore client.
As a photographer or an organization that owns your photography, your digital assets are priceless and should be treated as such. All too often, it takes the loss of important photographs before an organization buys into the needs of establishing such a system — I saw it with the Buccaneers and nearly saw it with the Braves. Your photographs are the backbone of your organization or portfolio and should be revered as such. Establishing a proper DAM workflow will ensure that your photos can be found within second, saving you or your organization time and money.
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