Markertek, a leading broadcast and pro-audio supply house, today announced that it has acquired Composite Video Limited, located in London. The new operation will be known as Markertek UK and will be an e-commerce and catalogue supplier of professional broadcast equipment and accessories.
“Markertek UK will be the first specialized high-definition supply house to serve the UK with unique proprietary solutions, as well as immediate access to more than 600 broadcast manufacturers’ product lines,” said Charles Wagor III, marketing and event planning manager at Markertek UK. “Markertek already has a tremendous following in the UK, and with this acquisition, it establishes a home base for the European broadcast community.”
Markertek will convert Composite’s existing sales and warehouse operation into a modern high-speed distribution hub serving the UK and the rest of Europe. The new e-commerce website,, will provide the European market with access to 60,000 technology solution products, as well as customized services. The many product lines carried by Markertek include AJA, BAL Broadcast, Belden, Blackmagic, Ensemble Designs, Kramer, Neutrik, and Sonifex.
“Markertek has perfected the e-commerce solution for the broadcast industry, and the merger of Composite into the Markertek structure will provide huge benefits to the UK broadcaster,” said Tim Bennett of Composite Video. “Markertek’s reputation for great customer service and excellent value dovetails with the Composite ethos, and we are enormously excited at the launch of Europe’s ultimate high-definition one-stop shop.”
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