The archive struggle is real 1
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Have you ever faced an issue when the client has gone cheap on the archive cost and either they didn’t archive or their cheap drive failed and then they want you to make changes or revisions sometime later and then blamed you for not having backups?


Excellent article, Scott. I love your advice on how to present these options to the client, as we all know how often these issues aren’t considered until it’s a problem.

The unreliability of cloud providers as a business is an important point that is often ignored when people present cloud-based archiving as a real solution. Physical media isn’t going to lose all your data if the manufacturer goes under.

At my company, we went with LTO7 back in 2016 (my choice), but I also priced out Amazon Glacier as a comparison, and have continued to run the numbers with that and Backblaze.

Due to its simplicity, LTO still wins out for price, speed, and reliability, so we’ve stayed with LTO.

I will also add the Canister from Hedge is really great; much easier than earlier generations of LTO software.


We only need our archives for internal usage to restore old projects. We don’t need to provide tapes for delivery or clients, so we aren’t under much pressure to migrate.

Tapes for all LTO generations can still be purchased. If we need to get a replacement of an older drive, B&H carries drives as far back as LTO5 and Newegg back to LTO3. So I’m not too concerned with suddenly losing access to our archives.

We started with an LTO7 drive and added an LTO8 drive a few years later, but still use LTO7 tapes with both. We got the second drive to be able to restore and backup/archive at the same time, since we often need to revisit and update older projects or make a new version.

A couple of factors will drive us to migrate to a new generation:
1. Running out of space in our fireproof safes.
2. Projects routinely exceeding 6TB, which means archiving and restoring takes more man hours. Changing tapes ads up when you’re doing it all the time.
3. A bunch of old tapes were formatted as TAR and need to be migrated anyway.

LTO10 is supposed to be out later this year and promises to be 36TB native capacity.

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