3D Film Factory has released the first production-ready, cost-effective 3D camera system for the Red One camera – the 3D-BS Pro Rig. This 3D beam-splitter rig was specifically designed for use with the Red cameras, as well as, other larger, broadcast quality cameras and has a retail price of only $4,895. Its durable, precise configuration was developed with the guidance of veteran stereographers and award-winning filmmakers to provide a viable, affordable alternative to high-priced 3D rigs costing ten times as much.
“Up until now, there’s only a few high-end facilities offering 3D rigs for Red One cameras and they’re very expensive”, said company president Karl Kozak. “So we set out to create a quality 3D Red system most filmmakers could afford. We’re interested in proliferating 3D production by making it accessible. The result was the 3D-BS Pro Rig, a great 3D rig for the Reds, that shoots incredible 3D at a fraction of the cost.”
The company’s new 3D-BS (beam-splitter) Pro Rig allows users to manually adjust both the camera convergence settings (1° to 5°) and the inter-ocular (camera-to-camera) distances from 0″ to 6″. It’s constructed of black anodized aluminum that’s virtually indestructible, with a weight of approximately 32 lbs. Its durable frame adjusts to fit almost any pair of large-sized, broadcast quality cameras, including but not limited to; Red One, Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Silicon Imaging and JVC.
At the center of the 3D rig is a piece of optically engineered, impurity-free, 50/50 beam-splitter glass, that’s been optimized for a 45° angle. It’s fully encased in a light-dampening, rugged plastic mirror box, that’s completely detachable and secure. The housing and glass positioning are easily modifiable to accommodate almost any large-size camera model and/or lens. Finally, the entire 3D rig readily attaches to most professional tripod heads with the use of a simple supplied adapter.
The result is an inexpensive, robust 3D rig that makes 3D shooting both simple and precise. When combined with a real-time 3D viewing system, a dual camera sync device and genlock, cinematographers can capture extraordinary 3D images for a fraction of the cost of all other systems.
“It’s really that easy to start shooting 3D images, you just need a few good tools and some training”, said Kozak. “Of course, to achieve superior 3D, you’ll need a stereographer. We use one on all of our 3D productions, because the cinematographer can’t do it all. As a result, we hire out professional stereographers for 3D training and 3D productions worldwide.”
In addition to the Red One camera, the 3D-BS (beam-splitter) Pro Rig is compatible with the following cameras; Sony’s CineAlta HD Cams, F950, F900, F35, HDW650, HDW790, DSR450, DVW970, Panasonics HDX900, HPX2000, HPX500, HPX3000, and the Varicam HDC27H, Ikegami’s HDK-79EXIII, HDK-727P, HDS-V10, HDK-79EC, HDN-X10, Silicon Imaging’s Si-2K, and many others.
Additionally, the 3D Film Factory offers a complete line of 3D rigs, including the 3D-BS (beam-splitter) Indie Rig, intended for smaller, professional grade camcorders, as well as, an assortment of inexpensive 3D-SS (side-by-side) Rigs. These dual cameras systems are less complex, but equally necessary for most 3D production situations.
To learn more about the 3D-BS Pro Rig or the full line of 3D rigs, visit the company’s website @ www.3DFilmFactory.com
About 3D Film Factory
Based in San Diego, California, the 3D Film Factory is both full service 3D production house and a 3D equipment manufacturer. More specifically, the company specializes in the design and marketing of production-ready, affordable 3D camera systems, while lending its expertise in a variety of 3D production, from ‘stereographers for hire’, to hands-on 3D training, to complete 3D productions through post.
To find out more, visit the company’s web site at: www.3DFilmFactory.com

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