After yesterday’s announcement about the new HDMI clean output from the renowned FiLMiC Pro app for Android, iOS and...
I am pleased to announce that today FiLMiC Pro started to offer clean HDMI output starting with version 6.12.0...
As announced at Apple’s WWDC in June 2019, DoubleTake is an app from FilMiC Pro which allows multicam recording...
At NAB 2019, I asked the lead programmers at FiLMiC Pro whether the VFR (variable frame rate) recording situation...
At NAB 2019 in Las Vegas, FiLMiC Pro (the most famous app for full control video recording on iOS...
For those unfamiliar, FiLMiC Pro is a renowned under US$10 app for iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) and...
As I have covered in prior articles, the main reasons to use FiLMiC Pro when shooting video with an...
I recently covered how proper digital USB audio is coming to Android (link ahead), which means that iOS devices...
As I have covered in several recent articles and videos, it is now possible to record “stereo” 48 kHz...
I am delighted to see that FiLMiC Pro’s palindromic upgrade to version 3.3 finally includes external live audio monitoring...