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A DAM Introduction

A DAM Introduction

A DAM Introduction 1By now you have read the articles, heard the buzz, and are ready to jump on the DAM bandwagon. But what is DAM really and how do you know if you need it? If you are like many professionals today, you generate and/or use digital media on a weekly, or even, daily basis. Yet, your still photos, graphics, documents and other types of digital content are distributed in no particular way among hard drives, servers, and DVDs throughout the offices within your organization. How do you find digital content when you need it? How do you track the usage of your digital content? Once you do locate an asset, how do you know who owns the copyright? Can you use it? Has it already been used in a marketing campaign?

If you have found yourself asking these questions, then DAM is the solution for you. DAM provides an efficient means for centralizing, tracking, managing, locating, and sharing digital content within your organization. It is a one-stop shop for your colleagues, employees, partners, customers, and any other important players in your corporate pipeline to locate and retrieve digital media.

DAM is a broad term that covers a full spectrum of technology solutions from personal software for managing music files such as MP3s to enterprise server solutions for managing heterogeneous files types within a company. However, most DAM solutions include the following core capabilities:

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