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Absolutely AI brings pivotal moments in history to life

Absolutely AI brings pivotal moments in history to lifeAbsolutely AI forms partnerships with STQRY and Eureka Australia to revolutionize historical storytelling and engage new audiences with scenes from a time, 1850, when there were no cameras.

The Eureka Stockade, a defining chapter in the story of Australian democracy and civil liberties, symbolizes the enduring struggle for fairness, representation, and political participation. However, its significance, often overshadowed by time, can be hard to grasp for many Australians today because there were no cameras in the 1850s. That’s where AI can play an important role, as the partnership of Absolutely AI with STQRY and Eureka Australia demonstrate.

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Absolutely AI has partnered with STQRY and Eureka Australia to bring pivotal moments in history to life through the power of artificial intelligence. This innovative partnerships centre around the company’s services using generative AI tools to create vivid imagery and video that depict key scenes from history to engage new audiences.

AI to bridge the gap between past and present

In fact, Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has revolutionized various industries, including historical research and recreation. By utilizing AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, historians can now recreate historical events with unprecedented accuracy and detail. These tools allow researchers to sift through primary sources, such as documents, photographs, and artifacts, to piece together a more comprehensive understanding of the past.

It’s not just that, as AI can also be used to simulate historical scenarios, providing valuable insights into how specific events may have unfolded. Furthermore, AI-powered models can help bring historical figures back to life through realistic 3D reconstructions. By harnessing the power of AI in historical research and recreation, professionals are able to unravel mysteries of the past and offer new perspectives on our shared history.

This is where the magic of AI comes into play, bridging the gap between past and present, making history not only more accessible but deeply engaging. Absolutely AI is eager to extend this innovative approach to other museums, historical societies, and cultural institutions across Australia and beyond. The company believes that by leveraging AI, it is possible to transform historical education, making it more accessible, engaging, and impactful for people of all ages. The partnership with Eureka Australia is an example to follow.

Using AI to recreate the Eureka Stockade

Eureka Australia is primarily an association of the descendants of those involved in or associated with the Eureka Stockade event, its prelude and aftermath and those who support its ideals of democratic principles.

Marianne Messer, Editor of Eureka Australia Magazine, reflects on the emotional impact of this collaboration: “Working with Absolutely AI has offered us a window into the past, letting us meet the eyes of those who stood at Eureka. It’s a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made for our democracy. These images don’t just tell a story; they allow us to feel the weight of history and the human cost of our freedoms.”

Jamie van Leeuwen, the founder of Absolutely AI, shares his thoughts on this unique endeavor: “Partnering with Eureka Australia has allowed us to fuse technology with history in an unprecedented way. Our goal with visualizing the Eureka Stockade through AI is to offer a new way for people to connect with this crucial event. It’s about honouring the legacy of those who fought for their rights and making sure their story continues to inspire.”

New ways to engage audiences

Absolutely AI says that “for museums and historical institutions looking to attract a wider audience, especially the younger, digitally-native generation, integrating AI into their exhibitions and educational programs could be a game-changer”, adding a clear invitation: “let’s explore together how AI can unlock new dimensions in storytelling and historical exploration.”

The partnership with STQRY, a leading storytelling platform that connects people, places, and stories through immersive mobile guides, virtual tours, and interactive exhibits, is also a game-changer. Whether you lack sufficient imagery or seek new ways to visualize and engage audiences with historical and cultural content, the company’s AI imagery solutions can provide the creative and impactful visuals you need.

Absolutely AI notes that “together, we aim to make history more engaging and relatable, especially for younger, digitally-native generations” and adds that “to celebrate, we’re offering discounts for all new users who sign up for our AI imagery or video packages.”

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