The current release of AE (version 24.5) was covered in Adobe After Effects June 2024 release, with feature overview videos by Flomotion and SternFX. Version 24.5 includes the official release of the new cinematic 3D compositing toolset.
Dacia Saenz at Adobe says that Version 24.5 x 29 of After Effects Beta introduces support for the Advanced 3D engine on specific Intel GPUs.
Anna Natter discusses textured models from Substance 3D Painter in NEW! How to work with 3D models in After Effects!
Premiere Pro 24.5 was also released. According to Premiere Basics, This NEW Update Is UNBELIEVABLE (24.5) and has problems. I didn’t have those problems, but I am again trying out DaVinci Resolve for other reasons.
Eran Stern posted a Multi-Bevel 3D Text Hack After Effects Tutorial. In this tutorial you create multiple multi-colour bevels for 3D text and you get a project file too.
In Easy 2D to 3D In After Effects!, Hieu Vu shows you how to use the new After Effects 3D tools, and walks you through a slick transition from a flat-shaded 2D look to a dynamic fully 3D design.
Evan Abrams on Adobe Live continues the 3D text theme in Blast in 3d text | Video Typography Challenge.
nuvaproductions posted the basic Animating particles in After effects tutorial | No Plugins. It’s in Spanish but included English captions so that I could follow along easily. Anything for a little CC Ball Action.
In Advanced Lighting in After Effects, Ben Marriott covers how to apply form shading, shadows, highlights, rim lighting, reactive reflections and looping shadows cast by environmental changes. It’s a simple 2D cartoon object, not a photo realistic composite.
In Learn Motion Tracking in After Effects | Adobe Video x @filmriot, Ryan Connolly demos 2D tracking of text on a wall and the 3D Camera Tracker for a title sequence. Kriscoart had something similar with Learn 3D Camera Tracking in After Effects!
War is an unfortunate reality and business. Remember, the business of America is still business. Boone Loves Video shows how to create Create Looping Animated Icons for Your Battle Maps
In Unleash the POWER of THE REPEATER | Adobe After Effects Tutorial, 7 Minute AE Tutorials shows you how to make a tiled background using just one shape layer, expressions, and the Repeater.
@JCTecklenburg put together another freebie: Individual Rounded Corner Shape Layer Box Preset!
Individual Rounded Corner Shape Layer Box Preset!
I put this together for a project and figured I'd package it up into an After Effects preset if you needed it too. Give it a whirl!— Jc Tecklenburg (@JCTecklenburg) June 18, 2024
Adobe’s unsure handling of sub licensing in their Terms of Service caused a continuing backlash; Studio Builder kept us updated on some of the issues in Adobe’s PR Nightmare Continues. But wait, there’s more…
Of course many people found this a good jumping off point. Unfortunately, or fortunately, AE is the hardest Adobe app to replace. @deanrockne said that “Left Angle Autograph is probably the closest to feature parity. Cavalry is good, but is really only mograph, no compositing. Rive is best for 2d character.” There’s also Apple Motion, Nuke, BlackmagicDesign Fusion, and even Blender and Hitfilm Pro. The reality is there’s no single replacement nor the same level of plug-in and script support.
Nevertheless, here’s the Best Alternative to Every Adobe Program from Brad Colbow.
@JohnnyMotion and @jayse_ composed The Future Legacy of Mark Coleran. Mark was a long time AE user and expert in FUI (fake user interfaces for film). They have several info box links, including An Interview with Mark Coleran.
There’s also a large but aging AEP roundup on PVC that might still be useful, UI: User interfaces in the movies and beyond.
Oh mercy! School of Motion has various tidbits in Image Relighting Magic?!…and more Mograph News | Motion Mondays.
Summing up the last 2 weeks in AI news is Curious Refuge in Runway’s EPIC New AI Video Generator! and Matt Wolfe with supporting links in AI News: The Best Chat Tool Got SO Much Better!
Please note that these roundups are for quick review and comparison — and After Effects Portal can only skim the surface of what’s out there.
There’s almost always vital information from the originating authors at the links provided, and often free presets, projects, or stock footage too.

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