After Effects ExtendScript Training is a video training series on Adobe® ExtendScript for After Effects®. Below are direct links to the entire collection right here on PVC. Enjoy and please spread the word.
The After Effects ExtendScript Training series is the first comprehensive video tutorial series focused on Adobe® ExtendScript. This fourteen hour long series covers all the basics of Javascript and ExtendScript to get a new user up and building their own scripts for After Effects. The series takes the viewer from the very basics of script writing, all the way through intermediate and advanced techniques. Along the way you will gain access to numerous bits of reusable code for your own scripts, as well as learn how to create fully functional scripts. Anyone new to scripting writing for After Effects, looking to learn Adobe® ExtendScript, or just plain looking for a different perspective on script writing in general can benefit from this training series.
Download the entire series for $15 at
Episode 1 (Intro)
Episode 2 (Javascript Basics p1)
Episode 3 (Javascript Basics p2)
Episode 4 (After Effects Object Model structure overview / Script Preparation and development tips / Single Item Access of various project items, comps and layers)
Episode 5 (Access Renderqueue items, output modules and file paths / Multiple item access of project items, comps and layers / Batch change all renderqueue items file paths)
Episode 6 (Collecting data into an Array() / Changing values / Various tips)
Episode 7 (Create new comps and folders / Create Null, Solid, and Text layers)
Episode 8 (Create multiple comps of various sizes / Use Undo group / Add solids to match each comp / Various tips)
Episode 9 (Globally change blue solids to red / Replace solid name blue with red)
Episode 10 (Build a custom function to collect all CompItem objects / Modify function to dynamically allow for choice of CompItem, FolderItem or FootageItem)
Episode 11 (Build floating GUI)
Episode 12 Part 1 & 2 (Build dockable/floating combo GUI)
Episode 13 (ExtendScript Developer Utility script / Retrieve list of project item footage file paths)
Episode 14 (Processing text strings)
Episode 15 Part 1 & 2 (Reading, writing, and transferring Keyframes)
Episode 16 Part 1 & 2 (Creating text layers from external text files.)
Episode 17 Part 1 & 2 & 3 (Export property information to text files.)
Episode 18 Part 1 & 2 & 3 (Retrieve all effects used into a listbox GUI with option to save to text file.)
Episode 19 Part 1 & 2 (Create custom functions to Retrieve layer types, retrieve all fonts used in project, retrieve a text layer’s justification, retrieve a layer’s blending mode)

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