We've recently released After Effects Apprentice (2nd Edition). The DVD-ROM that comes with the book includes an hour and a half of video tutorials that provide gentle introductions to major features inside After Effects, such as text and expressions. We are releasing these videos one per month here on PVC; they are also available on Focal Press' web site – make sure you visit their After Effects micro-site for more free chapters and tutorials.
In this fifth video, we provide a gentle introduction to expressions, showing how to use the pickwhip to easily link one property to another, modify that property using very simple math, plus recover from errors. We also show how to use two of the most useful expressions: “wiggle” (to randomize virtually any parameter), and “linear” (to easily convert between differing parameter ranges, such as degrees to percentage). Click on the Play Video link below, and enjoy!
(Note: For those who are hearing-impaired, lynda.com has added Closed Captioning to these tutorials. They are available here. We are also in the process of creating video training for all of the After Effects Apprentice lessons; they will also appear on lynda.com. If you do not have a lynda.com subscription, click here for a free 7-day pass.)
After Effects Apprentice was designed for students looking to learn After Effects from scratch, as well as those who do not use AE full time (such as editors or web designers). It starts gently with an introduction to keyframing, and progresses through the important features (such as masks, mattes, effects, text, audio, 3D space, shape layers, expressions, parenting, and building advanced hierarchies of compositions) until you end up keying, stabilizing, and compositing a shot in high def. The second edition has been fully revamped for After Effects CS4, and includes integration with Photoshop CS4 Extended and Flash Professional CS4.
The content contained in After Effects Apprentice – as well as the CMG Blogs and CMG Keyframes posts on ProVideoCoalition – are copyright Crish Design, except where otherwise attributed.

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