Are Cloud Security Worries a Thing of the Past? NetDocuments SaaS Blog.
Has the world been rid of its cloud computing security concerns?
Probablynot…but that day is getting closer. According to a few recent studies in a few technologyconservative industries, people andbusinessesare becoming much more comfortable with storing and managing their data in the cloud.
Even the most technology risk-averse markets such as health care, finance and government are rapidly adopting, and even advocating, disruptive cloud technologies at an ever increasing rate.
SaaS virgins generally raise two initial fears when they consider moving to the cloud: who is in control of my data? And is it safe to store my data somewhere other than the office? Though these concerns are real and very important to understand, the immaculate perception that all my data must be stored under my roof is being changed.
In a recent article, an expert fromAccenture was quoted as saying, “Healthcare firms are beginning to realize that cloud providers actually may offermore robust security than is available in house.” That same story cited a recent study that stated that about a third of the health care industry already uses cloud apps and that over 70% of respondents plan to shift more and more to SaaS and cloud applications.These are very intriguing estimates in any field, but especially in health care where the regulatory and HIPAA compliance rules are so strict.
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