Trend Briefing covering “BRAND BUTLERS”
trendwatching.com’s April 2010 Trend Briefing covering “BRAND BUTLERS”. BRAND BUTLERS | With consumers increasingly looking for control, for convenience,...
Search Vendors Should Focus on Real Enterprise Needs
Internet Evolution – Daniel W. Rasmus – Search Vendors Should Focus on Real Enterprise Needs. I have a simple...
3 Steps to successful ECM strategy
Every ECM implementation is different, so to accurately measure the state of your organization’s ECM maturity, an ECM maturity...
Fighting intensifies over how to enforce intellectual property laws
Fighting intensifies over how to enforce intellectual property laws | Technology | Los Angeles Times. Barack Obama may be...
Viral Education: The Story of Bottled Water (2010)
The Story of Bottled Water, released on March 22, 2010 (World Water Day) employs the Story of Stuff style...
Henry Stewart DAM New York 2010 Conference
On May 20 and May 21, 2010, Henry Stewart Conferences will be presenting DAM NY 2010 at the New...
Businesses and the Social Media Trap
Businesses and the Social Media Trap – WebWorkerDaily. “Which social network is best for business?” When I was asked...
Digital Archive: Avoiding A Digital Dark Age
Digital Archive: Avoiding A Digital Dark Age. A prominent computer scientist once quipped, “digital media lasts forever or five...
Internet Pioneer to Chart Web’s Next Leap
Internet Pioneer to Chart Web’s Next Leap – ScienceInsider. Tim Berners-Lee, the non-Al Gore inventor of the World Wide...
Why is Integration an Ongoing Challenge? Blame the Metadata
Why is Integration an Ongoing Challenge? Blame the Metadata | Blogs | ITBusinessEdge.com. Normally, I try not to delve...