Smart Collections or Keyword Collections?
In this MacBreak Studio Episode, Steve Martin explains the difference between keyword collections and smart collections, and when it...
Color Grading in Final Cut Pro X
Mark Spencer shows Steve Martin how to do some basic color grading in Final Cut Pro X. He also...
Publishing Motion 5 Projects to FCPX
I demonstrate to MacBreak Studio host Steve Martin the basic process of designing and publishing smart templates from Motion...
MacBreak Studio – GPU Acceleration in Final Cut Pro X
Steve Martin shows Mark Spencer how the newly updated Final Cut Pro X takes advantage of your Mac’s GPU...
Final Cut Pro X Update
Steve Martin of Ripple Training recently presented his take on the new features in the Final Cut Pro X...
Motion 5 for FCP X Editors
I recently gave a presentation at the LA Final Cut Pro User’s Group on several ways that FCP X...
mFlare from
mFlare is a fascinating and deep new product from, the site best known for their extensive colleciton of...
Customizing Motion 4 Template Colors in FCP X
In my last video, I showed you how to get all your Motion 4 templates into Final Cut Pro...
Getting Motion 4 Templates Into Final Cut Pro X
Motion 4 contained a large number of SD and HD template themes, accessible via the Template Browser. While the...
Where did my PICT go?
You may be surprised to find that images you used in your Motion 4 projects no longer appear in...