Motion Tip: Alpha Channels and Outlines
I recently saw a question about how to create an outline around a graphic in Motion. It’s not as...
Motion Graphics and Health Care Reform
No matter how you feel about healthcare reform, the government is putting out some nice motion graphics to sell...
Reversing Keyframes in Motion
Here’s a quick tip on how to reverse a keyframed animation, in particular for a shape style preset which...
Motion and Motion Blur in FCP
Having trouble getting motion blur to show up in your Motion project that is embedded in your FCP sequence?...
Motion and Transparency
I see a lot of questions on the forums about Motion and transparency – primarily when folks try to...
Color Matching in Motion
Motion graphics artists frequently need to match colors of design elements to colors of imported graphics, such as corporate...
Changing the Color of LiveFonts in Motion
Have you ever been frustrated trying to change the color of a LiveFont in Motion? Here’s the trick to...
Cinema 4D Finally Brings 3D to Motion
Cinema 4D’s friendly interface and robust motion graphics toolset have made it the tool of choice for creating 3D...
Reapplying Keyframes in Motion
I’ve been getting a few questions about copying and pasting keyframes in Motion. While you can copy-paste, there are...
Ripple Training Releases New Final Cut Pro and Motion Tutorials
Final Cut Pro 7 Core Training: This 5 hour + tutorial is the culmination of our 10 years delivering...