Gimbals are wonderful
Gimbals are wonderful. They make everything from a jib on a tracking vehicle to a teenager on a skateboard...
Infinite dynamic range! Zero noise!
There’s a piece of digital cinematography equipment that has infinite dynamic range, imposes zero noise, supports stereo 3D, high...
Post Production
Your eyes are amazing
Recent news concerning the highly colour accurate display hardware in certain consumer electronics devices has caused some excitement. Some...
4K Great
Keen observers may have noticed that a well-known manufacturer of cinematographic tools has recently released a new camera. People...
Post Production
Colour mixing great
Recently, the world has become very excited about the technologies underlying colour mixing LED lights. Here’s why we shouldn’t....
NAB Show
Grading on the go with Colorfront
It’s recently been felt to be a bad idea to have several members of different families sit in close...
The OLED that would be king
For a technology that seems to have hovered perpetually on the edge of universal acceptance for last decade or...
NAB Show
The new 3D
It’s been a few years, now, since the film and television industry collectively came to the quiet realisation that...
Post Production
Big crowds at BSC Expo 2022
Given recent history, probably one of the most remarkable things about the 2022 BSC Expo is that there was...
Filmmakers don’t want film, they want what people think film is
If you put the film the other way around, there’s even less grain!So we’re twenty years in to the...