Expressions, Form, Particular: free tutorial series
Several of After Effects training guru Harry Frank's tutorial series are now free: After Effects Expressions, Trapcode Particular, and...
Post Production
TypeMonkey: a kinetic type tool
TypeMonkey is an AE script by Dan Ebberts & Orrin Zucker that generates complex kinetic type animations, camera included,...
Post Production
Fractal Noise in After Effects
The Fractal Noise effect built into After Effects has been used to displace or generate motion backgrounds, transitions, clouds,...
Post Production
Typewriter effects in After Effects
Crashing the “typewriter week” party of Video Copilot unfashionably early, here's a few tidbits on typewriter or type-on effects...
How to shoot car videos inside & out
There's tons of options and advice for mounting cameras for shooting inside and outside of cars. Here's a few...
Premiere Pro News Notes #05 (Color Edition)
A series of as-they-come notes on news of assorted Premiere Pro tutorials, tips, and related tools continues. Here's a...
Premiere Pro CC: 25 new features + bug fixes
Adobe announced 25 new updates to Premiere Pro CC, update 7.01, available less than a month after the initial...
Adobe Anywhere released
Adobe announced the release of Adobe Anywhere for video. With Adobe Anywhere, headaches in video post involving management of...
Post Production
Headphones: a few resources
The secret of the search for perfect sound is that it never ends. In many cases, you might find...
Encore CS6 & Creative Cloud
Abode Encore reached its end-of-life with CS6, but you can still install it with Creative Cloud, with a few...