Cosmo and Magic Bullet Looks 2
Red Giant has released a new effect plug-in called Cosmo for doing cosmetic retouches, a Grinder 1.5 upgrade, and a major...
After Effects titles using Motype & Nodes
Filmmaking Webinars has a free 90-minute webinar hosted by Ben Brownlee for download, Killer Titles Inside After Effects Using...
Free Lower Thirds, and Related Titling Resources [updated]
There are a ton of resources on lower thirds. Here’s a sampling…
3D Extruder for After Effects
3D Extruder, from Ben Rollason at AE Scripts, is a script that makes it easy to create 3D extrusions...
After Effects A-Z: Card Wipe transition
The After Effects: Effects A-Z tip series from Motionworks continues with guest host James Zwadlo demoing the Card Wipe...
Element: 3D particle plug-in announced
Andrew Kramer shared some details about a new Video Copilot plug-in called Element (formerly Atom), a “3D geometry-based” particle...
Pseudo 3D Set Extensions
3D Set Extensions by Andrew Kramer is a new tutorial that attempts to transform stock footage into a dark...
After Effects News Roundup
Here’s the latest 2 weeks or so of assorted After Effects tutorials, tips, and scripts & plug-ins new and...
Pseudo-volumetric fractal clouds in After Effects
Dan Sollis posted projects and renders of Pseudo-volumetric fractal cloud in After Effects and a follow-up 3D Cloud –...
Colorful Origami + Light Paths in AE
Mattias Peresini aka Mattrunks has new After effects video tutorials, Colorful Origami, animation of linked colored triangles and Light...