Stop Motion Kit for After Effects
Quba Michalski is back with a tutorial that shows how to simulate stop motion aesthetic using his After Effects...
Sky Replacement with After Effects & Premiere
There are of course several approaches to doing sky replacements in After Effects and Premiere Pro. Here's a few...
Premiere Pro: Frequently Asked Questions
Premiere Pro: Frequently Asked Questions is a new free workshop from Videobrain and Adobe Technical Support Lead Todd Kopriva....
Warp Stabilizer for object removal
Steve Forde, Adobe product manager for After Effects, shares a tip for object removal (roto) using the Warp Stabilizer...
Post Production
Animate a character in After Effects
After Effects provides a variety of tools to animate characters, including Painting, Puppeting, and Parenting. Fortunately, there's an equally...
Changes in expressions & caching in AE CS5.5
Todd Kopriva collects resources on changes in After Effects CS5.5 in two new blog posts: * After Effects CS5.5...
What’s New and Changed in After Effects CS5.5
What's New and Changed in After Effects CS5.5 is a free new Video2brain workshop, with Adobe Technical Support Lead...
Pixel Benders for grading, shortcuts & tiling
Just a quick note on some new Pixel Bender filters for use in After Effects CS4+. qp_Grade Assistant from...
Bleach bypass, cross-process, and film looks for After Effects
Cinematic-style picture looks have been popular for the last several years; for example bleach bypass became popular after Saving Private...
Importing Image Sequences into After Effects
In an After Effects Quick Tip video, Kevin P McAuliffe shows you the basics of importing image sequences. Previously,...