The C300 short Hustle and some before and after images
Hustle from Daniel B©rub© on Vimeo. A number of filmmakers involved in the Boston Creative Pro User Group got...
Tip Tuesday: Disable a clip in the Avid Media Composer timeline
In honor of TipTuesday over on Twitter I thought I’d share this simple Avid Media Composer tip that I...
Pro Photo
Testing the 7toX Final Cut Pro 7 to Final Cut Pro X conversion
When Apple released the latest Final Cut Pro X update there was a very important 3rd party utility released...
Q and A with Bunim/Murray’s Mark Raudonis about their recent Avid switch
Back in January news broke that reality television producers Bunim/Murray were switching their post-production facilities from Final Cut Pro...
Pro Photo
Kicking the tires on the Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3 Multicam update
As we all know by now Apple released their promised update to Final Cut Pro X that added multicam....
Update Alert: Final Cut Pro X goes to 10.0.3
Is it early 2012? It is and Apple has kept its promise with an update that takes Final Cut...
Post Production
Adobe teases Prelude at the San Francisco Supermeet, FCPUG changes its name
From the looks of Twitter last night there were a couple of surprises at the Friday evening’s San Francisco...
Tangent Element panels are now shipping
Word came out today from Tangent Devices that the first Element panels are now shipping. If you don’t remember...
Avid Media Composer 6 review online
Last week a review that I wrote of Avid Media Composer 6 went online over at Studio Daily. Here’s...
Update Alert: Magic Bullet Suite 11.2
Red Giant Software must have been doing some work over the holidays (that or they’ve had a busy 2012...