Enlightening interview about distribution with Maverick Entertainment founder and president
I was catching up on podcasts recently and I got to the July 16 episode of Filmmaking Central. On...
Post Production
Battle of the audio track deletion batchers
Just the other day I posted links to VideoToolshed, a resource for a number of handy software utilities gear...
Post Production
VideoToolshed releases FcpReconnect to aid in media management
We all know Final Cut Pro’s media management capabilities aren’t its strongest feature. The guys over at VideoToolshed have...
Post Production
Kicking the tires on Final Cut Pro 7
By now anyone who has ever heard of Final Cut Pro has heard that Apple shipped Final Cut Pro...
Post Production
CineForm CineDDR is an HDCAM SR for the masses?
CineForm recently announced its new CineDDR product. What exactly is CineDDR? I’m still trying to wrap my head around...
Post Production
Subtleties of the Slate video
Subtleties of the Slate from Inspiration Studios on Vimeo. Here’s a fun little video from Vimeo called Subtleties of...
Short video of Ted Shilowitz talking about (and holding) a Scarlet
ShotsandCuts posted a link up via Twitter tonight of RED guru Ted Shilowitz talking about the RED Scarlet. He...
You’re never too old (or too smart) to learn something new
If you’ve never heard of FXPHD then you’re either new to this whole film / video / production /...
The Basics of Avid Media Composer for a Final Cut Pro Editor
What follows in this article is not a debate of Avid vs. Final Cut Pro or a conversion document...
Please label tapes and disks: An open letter to DPs, camera ops, DITs
Man, there are a lot of high definition formats out in the world today. Just to spell them out...