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Autonomy Interwoven delivers hosted Web Landing Page Solution

Solution Enables Marketers to Rapidly Build and Optimize Landing Pages in Secure, Private Cloud

Autonomy Corporation plc, a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced a new solution designed to allow marketers to quickly and easily build and test website landing pages in a secure, hosted environment. The Autonomy Optimized Landing Page solution combines leading web content management and multivariable testing (MVT) capabilities in one easy-to-use interface, and leverages Autonomy’s strength as the premier provider of private cloud computing applications.

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Solution Enables Marketers to Rapidly Build and Optimize Landing Pages in Secure, Private Cloud

Autonomy Corporation plc, a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced a new solution designed to allow marketers to quickly and easily build and test website landing pages in a secure, hosted environment. The Autonomy Optimized Landing Page solution combines leading web content management and multivariable testing (MVT) capabilities in one easy-to-use interface, and leverages Autonomy’s strength as the premier provider of private cloud computing applications.

Marketers today demand solutions that allow them to move quickly to take advantage of immediate business opportunities, continually test and optimize their landing pages, and stay within budget. Businesses require easy-to-use tools in order to rapidly build landing pages that can maximize the impact of email campaigns, keyword purchases, online advertising, and SEO initiatives. Once the pages are created, marketers want to continually optimize their campaigns in order to make sure these leads convert. This process requires a single interface that empowers a marketer to quickly create compelling landing pages without IT.

The Autonomy Optimized Landing Page solution overcomes these challenges by delivering a solution that leverages Autonomy’s unique strengths. In April of this year, Autonomy Interwoven announced the industry’s first solution to integrate online testing and web content management. Likewise, Autonomy is recognized as a leader in private cloud computing, with the world’s largest hosted data archive at over 10 petabytes. By combining these capabilities into one solution, marketers can move at the speed of now to cost-effectively launch and continuously improve online campaigns.

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