Hedge, makers of backup software for filmmakers, have acquired Postlab. Postlab allows teams of editors to collaborate on Final Cut Pro X projects with version control, file sharing and commenting. As a result of the acquisition, both Jasper Siegers and Felipe Baez have joined the Hedge team.

Postlab fills a void, says Paul Matthijs, Hedge CEO: “Since Hedge came to fruition, we’ve been making workflows a lot faster and easier. While backups are a logical starting point, it has never been our intention to stick just to backup software. Postlab is the perfect workflow simplifier that lives right between creating backups and archiving your media when done. The unobtrusiveness of Postlab and its lack of vendor lock-in perfectly align with our vision.”
Future Speak
The new Postlab will be a cloud service for solo users, teams, and organizations, and an on-premise solution will also available. The new platform will of course support Final Cut Pro X, but won’t be limited to it.
Felipe Baez: “The Postlab community has been very vocal about what they’d like to see next. The setup of Postlab had to be simplified, and together with the Hedge team, that step is already completed. We’re currently focusing on deeper Frame.io integration, support for other NLEs, and a proxy workflow.”
Call For Teams
The current open-source version of Postlab, requiring you to run your own infrastructure, stays available. The new Postlab, however, won’t be open-source. Jasper: “Postlab was open source because it was funded by a National non-profit broadcaster, and didn’t cost them anything as you had to set up your own servers. With Postlab Cloud, this is of course very different.”
Felipe: “The last couple of months, we’ve been steadily building a new platform which is going live end of Aprilas a concierge service. Until opening the doors for everyone later this year, we’ll be taking on FCPX teams of 5+ users. For those interested, please email postlab@hedge.video.”