It’s always difficult getting yourself up to speed with a new or updated effects package, but that becomes even harder when one of the included effects is a completely separate application unto itself. Let’s take an in-depth look at the new Title Studio inside of BCC 10 for AVX.
I hear people say all the time, “Why doesn’t Avid update the Title Tool(s), so that they work with larger than HD projects?” Most people think that it might just be Avid being lazy, or not caring about what customers need. No, let me say that I have no inside knowledge as to why Avid has chosen not to update the title tool yet, but I feel that it’s for the same reason that Adobe didn’t update their Chromakeyer or their 3D text capabliites. Because they know that there are other companies out there that specialize in that, and whey spend all that time developing it, when they can license effects (or even programs, in Adobe’s case), and give them to their userbase right away, so they get the tools they need with no need to wait out development time. With the release of BCC 10 for AVX, Boris FX has stepped into the titling game, and given editors Title Studio, a stripped down version of Boris Red/Blue, for Media Composer editors (and soon Adobe, Sony and Resolve editors/compositors as well) to use in not only their large than HD projects, but any project, really, that requires some extra titling love. It might seem like a daunthing program to learn, but I just recently did a webinar on getting started with Title Studio, and it was free, and hopefully should get you up and running, if you’ve already made the leap to BCC 10.
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