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Boris Continuum Complete 7 FxPlug Now Available

Boris FX, the leading developer of integrated effects technology for video and film, today announced that Boris Continuum Complete 7 FxPlug (BCC 7 FxPlug) is now available. BCC 7 FxPlug brings over 210 filters to Apple Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Final Cut Express. The new release features a 3-way color grade filter with built-in keying and masking tools, a video noise reduction tool, an OpenGL particle engine, and real-time title flare and luma glow effects.

Boris Continuum Complete 7 FxPlug New Feature Highlights

• New Filters:

o BCC 3 Way Color Grade provides a professional color grading process complete with three custom color wheels for pedestal/gamma/gain adjustment. The filter includes built-in masking and keying tools to isolate areas of secondary color correction. Separate color grading can be applied to the inside and outside of a mask, eliminating an extra compositing step.

o BCC Noise Reduction smoothes out video noise using spatial and temporal information derived from the video clip – especially in dark areas of an image.

o BCC Lens Blur emulates a popular lens blur or rack defocus effect where out-of-focus highlights of an image clip take on the shape of the lens shutter. The filter includes a gradient map layer to control the depth of focus.

o BCC Lens Shape is a designer effect similar to a rack defocus effect where the shape of the bokeh can be imported from an external layer.

o BCC Lens Transition is a wipe filter that applies a lens blur or rack defocus effect to the specular highlights of outgoing and incoming image clips.

o BCC Particle Array 3D creates a grid of particles oriented in 3D space.

o BCC Pin Art 3D creates a pin board look based on a layer image.

o BCS Title Flare is a text generator that provides a quick and easy method to create titles. Text can be wiped on and off the screen in a variety of ways including with glows, rays, jitter, mist, noise, and vapor.

o BCS Luma Glow is a real-time, OpenGL-accelerated filmic glow effect where the soft glow is defined by the luma values of the image.

• Compare Mode. Added to over one-third of BCC 7 FxPlug’s filters, Compare Mode is a convenient tool that enables users to compare the filtered result with the unfiltered source via either a side-by-side view or a live split-screen view. In the side-by-side view, users can view the unfiltered and filtered image result in the composite window as changes are made to the image. In the split-screen view, users can drag the wipe bar anywhere across the image to compare the filtered result with the unfiltered source at any zoom level. Additionally, the Compare Mode feature includes the unique ability to view the filtered result with a live filtered layer in the timeline.

• Apple Motion Camera Support. BCC 7 FxPlug now supports native Motion camera integration for the BCC Extruded Image Shatter, BCC Particle Array 3D, and BCC Pin Art 3D filters – in addition to BCC FxPlug’s 3D Objects filters.

• Performance Gains. All BCC 7 FxPlug filters take advantage of either multi-processing or OpenGL hardware acceleration to deliver an interactive effects design experience.

Pricing and Availability
Boris Continuum Complete 7 FxPlug is immediately available through the Boris FX worldwide reseller channel and direct from the Boris FX web site at for an MSRP of $995 USD. Owners of previous versions of Boris Continuum Complete FxPlug may upgrade for an MSRP of $295 USD. Customers who purchased Boris Continuum Complete 6 FxPlug as of April 12, 2010 are eligible to receive a free upgrade to Boris Continuum Complete 7 FxPlug.

About Boris FX
Founded in 1995, Boris FX is the leading developer of integrated graphics and effects technology, delivering 3D compositing and vector graphic products for broadcast, post-production, film, and multimedia. Boris products have grown to serve millions of artists worldwide. The company’s success lies in its ability to integrate and leverage technologies through strong partnerships with industry-leading developers such as Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Avid, Grass Valley, and Sony.

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