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Canon adds enhanced features to Cinema EOS cameras

Canon adds enhanced features to Cinema EOS camerasAll updates announced for Cinema EOS Cameras and Pro Camcorders from Canon are a a direct result of customer feedback and will be available through a free download at the end of June 2024.

It’s not just the new EOS C400 that is coming this year from Canon, and there are good news for owners of models like the EOS C500 Mark II, on the Cinema EOS family, or professional models like the VIXIA HF G70 camcorder, which get updates that are a direct result of customer feedback, something Canon highlight so the public know the company is listening t its customers.

In fact, the list of cameras getting updated is long. Canon notes that a variety of firmware updates for key models in its Cinema EOS and professional camcorder line of cameras, including the EOS C500 Mark II, EOS C300 Mark III, EOS C70, EOS R5 C cameras and the XA75/70, XA65/60 and VIXIA HF G70 camcorders have been developed and will be available through a free download at the end of June 2024.

Here is information shared by Canon about the highlights for each of the Canon products:

EOS C500 Mark II/ EOS C300 Mark III Cameras

EOS C70/EOS R5 C Cameras

XA75/70, XA65/60 and VIXIA HF G70 Camcorders

Follow the link to download the firmware updates once available, or for more information regarding the firmware updates and all of Canon’s professional video products and solutions.

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