Adobe Premiere Pro 3D Stereoscopic Realtime Editing
I’ve created a start-to-finish workflow on how you can create a 3D stereoscopic workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5...
Choosing and using Lithium Ions
Excuse me, Miss, but I couldn’t help noticing your BP-L80S is down to 10%. Treat your Lithium Ion batteries...
Oh! LED.
About the only thing OLED has in common with LCD and plasma is that it’s a flat panel display...
Output module constraints in After Effects CS5
In After Effects CS4, you may have seen errors like this when rendering and exporting: After Effects AEGP Plugin...
Color Subsampling, or What is 4:4:4 or 4:2:2??
In the video space, there’s always a lot of talk about these number ratios – 4:4:4, or 4:2:2, or...
What is YUV?
Another area I’m getting pelting with questions about is the little YUV logo on some Premiere Pro effects. What...
The Life of an Audio Engineer
With the recent news about Adobe Audition coming to the Mac, I thought you might enjoy this spoof on...
Camera workflow guides in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and After Effects CS5
Adobe has been putting out several white papers, workflow guides, and other materials to give the nitty-gritty details of...
It’s official! Adobe Audition is coming to the Mac!
Today on Adobe Labs, Adobe announced that Adobe® Audition®, the all-in-one professional audio toolset for recording, mixing, editing and...
Sony HVR-Z7U: Zoom lens, prime lens, or both?
I cut my teeth on film, before the camcorder era. At that time, swapping lenses on 16mm and 35mm...