Speed lighting: more lessons from the ARRI Academy
The ARRI Academy isn’t only about learning how cameras work. We also teach how to use them. I’ve never...
ARRI Signature Primes: the conscious design of softness
This is a story about a lens family whose soft focus backgrounds were consciously designed, and the lens mount...
Compression: the editor’s secret weapon for taming audio
Far too many editors are afraid to touch audio tools like parametric EQ and compression. It’s unfortunate, since the...
Filmmaker Friday featuring Filmmaker Justin Jones
With hundreds of careers and opportunities, the Filmmaking industry can be a unique experience for a Filmmaker. Options include pitching...
Filmtools Filmmaker Friday featuring Filmmaker Evan Zissimopulos
With hundreds of careers and opportunities, the Filmmaking industry can be a unique experience for a Filmmaker. Options include pitching...
Adobe Santa Monica
Adobe recently opened a new facility in Santa Monica located at 429 Santa Monica Blvd in an effort to...
Filmmaker Friday featuring filmmaker Rick Joaquim
With hundreds of careers and opportunities, the filmmaking industry can be a unique experience for a Filmmaker. Filmtools decided...
Gripology 101: The beautiful ugly of grip production work
Ever been confused by the mysterious names and ways of grip hardware (like turning a “pancake” into a “pigeon...
Filmtools Filmmaker Friday Featuring Filmmaker Rachel Knoll
With hundreds of careers and opportunities, the Filmmaking industry can be a unique experience for a Filmmaker. Options include pitching...
Fade In Pro: Screenwriting’s best kept secret
If you’ve ever done any kind of screenwriting—be it for dramatic works or even documentary post-scripting—you’ll no doubt have...