An Introvert’s Guide To NAB
Do you shudder at the thought of networking in a crowd of nearly 100,000 people. If so, take a...
Recreating reality with visual effects
Paul and Christina Graff of Crazy Horse Effects (CHE) are visual effects aficionados, with projects to their credit such...
Teaching Creative Editing
When students walk into a class named 105 Intro to Editing Aesthetics, they don’t know exactly what to expect...
Expert filmmaker builds online community
After graduating from film school, Ryan Connolly started out in a fairly typical fashion: creating music videos and commercials...
Videoguys NLE Video Storage FAQ (April 2014 update)
(April 2014 update) Now includes the latest information and recommendations for Thunderbolt, USB3 and SSDs! Check Out Featured Storage...
Interactive video invention
Powster is nothing if not innovative. The interactive and motion graphics company provides “over-the-top” content, concepts, and apps for...
Devin Super Tramp achieves extreme YouTube success
Extreme sports videos are a hit on YouTube, but few think about the behind the scenes work that it...
ScreenLight Review and Approval For Video Pros Comes to PVC
Think back to the last project where you shared media for a production with your team, clients, or other...
G-Tech White Paper: Lucas Gilman: How a Pro Manages Storage Workflow
There’s only one thing Lucas Gilman dreamed of becoming more than a world-renowned extreme sports photographer and filmmaker: He...
Filmmaker follows up Sundance debut with showing at SXSW 2014
Jeffrey Radice came into filmmaking in a non-traditional way. He was working in I.T. and making a decent income...