OLED Enters the Monitor Mainstream
An all-in-one chassis design, the PVM-2541 includes a range of inputs, standard. Sony’s BVM Series Trimaster EL™ monitors were...
A Note on Adobe Premiere Pro
I’m Al. I’m the guy who gets to – along with an amazing group of very talented colleagues and...
Would you recommend Premiere Pro to your friends and colleagues?
Adobe has started the Video Ambassadors program to build an online community for Adobe Premiere Pro editors to support...
Adobe’s Vision for Professional Video
The tide is turning in professional video, and Adobe’s momentum is strong: We are driving innovation in our products...
Untapped features in Sony NXCAM’s new HDMI output
Sony’s latest NXCAM cameras fortunately feature unprecedented new features with their live HDMI outputs, including uncompressed 1080p at 50p...
Videoguys’ Options for Final Cut Editors
I’m intentionally not calling the product Final Cut Pro ver 10, because it isn’t a next version of Final...
The DSL not R
The NEX-FS100U is designed from the ground up for motion pictures. From the moment they came out, HD-capable DSLRs...
Adobe’s Speech Analysis is still chugging along in Premiere Pro CS5.5
When Adobe introduced CS4 they also introduced a new feature that many thought would be the suite’s first real...
Critical Evaluation goes OLED
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sony’s BVM-E170 and E250. The place: Palm Springs. The...
NEX-FS100U: The Inside Story
Juan A. Martinez introduces the NEX-FS100U Super 35mm NXCAM® camcorder at Sony’s Pre-NAB Training. Get the inside scoop on...