Crafting the Look of a Lens, Part 2: Making a Modern Vintage Lens
In part one, we looked at how ARRI built a lens with a modern-yet-beautiful look for the future of...
ARRI Signature Lenses, Part 1: Making a Modern Lens
In this two-part series, we’ll first break down the look of an ARRI Signature lens, and then, in part...
PSA: Mowing the lawn? Wear Glasses!
Every January I look back on the previous year, and think about whether anything noteworthy happened that might be...
The HPA Tech Retreat and the Avatar II Deep Dive
In Palm Springs every February, a group of Hollywood industry professionals get together without the fanfare and noise of...
Color Management Part 13: OpenColorIO and After Effects
OpenColorIO is, currently, a plugin for After Effects. It’s free, it’s open source, it’s the industry standard tool for...
Invention of Sound for Movies
Having seen “Making Waves,” I am thrilled to see the attention being paid to film sound. Certainly sound effects,...
The US Army’s Syndicated Television Program “The Big Picture”
In 1951, the U.S. Army produced and made available a thirty-minute television show to all television stations in the...
Redshift3D Per Trail Color
Redshift3D Per Trail Color Rendering X-Particles per trail colors & creating abstract art
CG Blood
CG Blood Simulating blood dripping with X-Particles.