Is the term “short film” an anachronism when it’s shot on video?
I first covered the term “anachronism” back in 2009 when I published Beware the attack of the anachronisms!. Now...
Panasonic AF100 joins forces with Sony encoder for 25p Euro spot in Miami
Recently I was put in charge of the technical workflow for an HD 1080/25p real estate commercial spot to...
To DRM or not to DRM? That is the question for today’s digital content producers
Whether you are a video producer, music producer, audiobook producer, or the author of ebooks, if you sell your...
The Future Of Content Distribution
This week Philip and I discuss: The movie studios are pushing to release movies to cable, on-demand much closer...
Apple + Tablet = New Video Distribution Outlet?
As a long-time Apple user (and – full disclosure – Apple stockholder), I’ve learned long ago to take Apple...
Practical Distribution Options for Indie Filmmakers
Many discussions about independent film distribution options seem to center around just getting your films and content seen, the...
R.I.P, VHS Distribution
Today’s NAB SmartBrief points out that the last major supplier of pre-recorded VHS tapes stopped shipping them to retailers...
Mobile Phone Distribution and HDTV with mDialog
Richard Harrington discusses the mDialog online video platform with Greg Philpott at the 2008 New Media Expo.