Lighting diagrams for the Mac: Omnigraffle
I don’t have a lot of time to learn new software packages, so I tend to fall in with...
Semantic tagging for dummies
The semantic web is often referred to as the “next phase” of the world wide web. It’s also sometimes...
Preservation metadata
Preservation metadata is an essential component of most digital preservation strategies. As an increasing proportion of the world’s information...
Video Compression Workshop – An Introduction
Successfully getting a video file delivered to your audience usually means it will be compressed (heck it’s often compressed...
RED notes: Build 16 released; “nearly ready”
The science project continues: back in mid-June when we looked at RED build 16 beta firmware, we saw some...
3 Considerations for Evaluating a DAM Solution
3 Considerations for Evaluating a DAM Solution by Jake Athey To revisit my previous post with content contributed by...
Is There Strategic Value in Marketing Asset Management?
Is There Strategic Value in Marketing Asset Management? Absolutely! Aberdeen segmented the top 20 percent of respondents in return...
ResourceSpace: Open Source DAM
ResourceSpace: Open Source Digital Asset Management (DAM) ResourceSpace is a web-based, open source digital asset management system which has...
Go craaaaazy: fill from the key side!
In a recent article I wrote about how I like to fill from the key side, and I’ve since...
How is “DAO” different than “SEO”?
Extending SEO with Digital Asset Optimization ; The search marketing industry is rich with acronyms: SEO, SEM, PPC, ROI,...