Beware of bubbles
Bit of Friday fun, but timely.
Spock: People Search "that is logical captain"
About Spock Spock is the leading people search application. Spock searches the internet to help you find information about...
Evolvability and the semantic web
T. Berners-Lee. Evolvability. Evolvability Introduction The World Wide Web Consortium was founded in 1994 on the mandate to lead...
Your copyright metadata on a GRDDL
Mike Linksvayer, GRDDL, pronounced “griddle”, is a World Wide Web Consortium recommendation. GRDDL allows one to describe in a...
DAM/MAM ROI not sustained … why?
Interesting document produced by Dubiot on why the return on investment is not realised in some organisations Snip: ROI’s...
Oracle UCM
Oracle UCM: Digital Asset Management Oracle provides industry-leading digital asset management to store, find, and access your brand assets....
Henry Stewart DAM events 2008
Henry Stewart Events cover Digital Asset Management, Marketing Resource Management, and Best Practices in Marketing Operations. These strategies &...
Developers Wiki microformats are: a way of thinking about data design principles for formats adapted to current behaviors and...
How is the NASA Taxonomy used?
What is a Taxonomy? A taxonomy is a standards-based classification scheme used to organize electronic content. How are Taxonomies...
NICE Paintings
The Project The National Inventory Research Project is the outcome of the work of a committee of museum curators....