At the core of the Xinet WebNative workflow is the digital asset management system, a visual database of graphics...
FreshDV Follow Focus System Reviews
FreshDV’s full review of five popular follow focus units was first printed in the October 2007 issue of DV...
Production Jobs and Responsibilities of Crew
After a recent conversation with some fellow filmmakers I was reminded of how mysterious in some ways our industry...
Shutter Speed vs. Shutter Angle
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the way a video camera calculates shutter (fractions of a...
Nikon lens tests with the SGPro 35mm adapter and HVX200
Matt Garrett and Bruce Allen recently conducted a series of Nikon lens tests with a SGPro 35mm adapter mounted...
The Shape of Things to Come: Shape Layers Introduction
For motion graphics artists, one of the most significant new features introduced in After Effects CS3 was Shape Layers....
35mm Adapter Shootout – Redrock Micro M2, Cinevate Brevis 35 and SGPRO
Accomplished shooter Phillip Bloom has shared a lengthy shootout review comparing three popular 35mm adapters; the Cinevate Brevis, SG...
Free Flash Video Converter for Mac Users
Another great post over at Jake Ludington’s blog, how to use freely available ffmpegX to convert video files into...
35mm Lens Adapter Shootout – Cinevate Brevis vs Redrock M2
35mm camcorder lens adapters are a strange breed. Part science, part art, they allow a shooter to utilize SLR...
Brighter Whites; Richer Colors Part 2: sRGB
The first image (a digital photo originally saved with an sRGB color profile) has not been corrected; the second...