Behind the Scenes: Clementine Ford Shoot
I recently photographed actress Clementine Ford (“The L Word”, “The Young and the Restless”, also Cybill Shepherd’s daughter) for...
Photo Editors, Art Directors, and balls.
I’ve worked with a lot of photo editors and art directors over the years. Some I’ve been with for...
PAR for the Course
Over the years, I have seen a lot of folklore and bad math employed to determine how to work...
Clickability shows how not to write a white paper
Image by DistractedMind via Flickr White papers are not something we typically critique or comment on, butClickability‘s new white...
Search with the Monkey
Last week I went to theSemantic Conference in San Jose. Before I went there I was pretty new to...
Feedback from InfoComm and NAB
The recent annual InfoComm (Pro Audio/Visual) and National Association of Broadcasters (“NAB”) industry trade shows had some interesting, and...
Analyzing online content with OpenAmplify
Extracting information from content not as easy for computers. Making sense of Web content is mostly easy for humans...
OpenEdit DAM is now EnterMedia for Digital Asset Management
New features of EnterMedia include a new user interface, the ability to combine and customize catalogs, cross catalog searching,...
Danish Parliament Votes For SSL Gravity
A state-of-the-art SSL Gravity MAM (Media Asset Management) system coupled to a Snell automation system will be instrumental in...
Extensis intros Portfolio Server 9
Extensis intros Portfolio Server 9 digital asset management software Adds new Java server platform, web clients, and MediaRich processing...