Source Timecode Burn-in comes to FCPX (and it’s in the other NLEs too)
Here we go with another edition of Third Party Developers Add Timecode-Things to Final Cut Pro X. This time...
3D Title Plugins for Final Cut Pro X
On this week’s MacBreak Studio, we do a little self-promotion as we take a tour of Ripple Training’s four...
After Effects Hidden Gems: Cropping in the Output Module
One of the most fun and challenging jobs you can work on is a multi-screen projection. The common way...
Review: The Green Screen Handbook, 2nd Edition
Jeff Foster’s “The Green Screen Handbook, 2nd Edition” is subtitled, “Real-World Production Techniques”, and it’s described as “a comprehensive how-to manual...
Start at the beginning in After Effects [updated]
The beauty of Adobe After Effects is that it’s approachable for simple tasks and at the same time has a...
Media Composer 101 – Advanced – Editing Music Videos Part 3
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about the basics of Multicamera editing in Media Composer, how to set...
Taking the “Stock” out of Style Elements
NAB 2015 made me rethink what a “Stock Element” is, and why Style Elements are quite simply the “Plug-in...
3D Logos in Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how anyone can turn a flat logo...
After Effects Hidden Gems: Set First Vertex
A common trick is to use the Stroke effect to wipe on a line along a mask path. You...
Editors: Do you prefer more shorter clips or less longer clips?
I was recently working on an edit that used footage captured by two shooters covering a weekend event. The...