Chromatic aberration: creation and fixes with After Effects
A few years ago there was a spate of interest in chromatic aberration — fixing footage containing the color fringing, but...
First Impressions of the new G-Technology G|DRIVE ev RaW
The good folks at Amazon dropped off a package the other day for a brand-new G-Technology G|DRIVE ev RaW...
Archiving Projects in Final Cut Pro X
This week Steve Martin from Ripple Training show us his preferred method for archiving a project that will ensure...
That PVC Show – Gimbals, the Ronin and Camera Stabilization
Recently on PVC, Matt Jeppsen wrote an article about filming smooth driving footage on a tight budget while Brian...
Media Composer 101 – Lesson 9 – Export Settings Part 1
In this lesson, we’re back to basics talking about Settings, more specifically, the Export setting, and how important it...
My NAB 2015 Post|Production World sessions
If I may take a moment to engage in a bit of shameless self-promotion please indulge me! Once again...
Creating a Heartbeat Animation
Be still my beating heart! Or if you can’t be still, let me see how you beat! That’s our...
Review – Sorenson Squeeze 10
The King of encoding applications is back with a new version, but is Squeeze 10 enough to make you...
Nebula construction in After Effects
Nebulas can be created several ways in After Effects: with “cards in space” of real images, or generated by...
Taking my spin on the Digital Production Buzz – When Deciding: Why Avid?
I got a chance to get on the Digital Production Buzz, and talk about how I became an editor,...