After Effects, ProRes, and Gamma Shifts
Adobe’s yeoman After Effects documentation guru Todd Kopriva maintains a highly useful blog over on Today he just...
Controversial History Channel “WWII in HD” debate – THE TRUTH
?The History Channel’s WW2 in HD series has created a firestorm of debate over archival methods. If you read...
Apple’s new iFrame codec implementation
So recently Apple released specs on a new video format they are calling iFrame. What is it, and how...
Speech Search Meets ScriptSync
Anybody remember that classic commercial for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? “Hey! You got peanut butter on my chocolate! No!...
Free Newsletter Preview
For the past several months we’ve been publishing a monthly electronic newsletter, each typically containing 3-5 articles by PVC...
Kicking the tires on Snow Leopard and doing some edit work too
Over the weekend I installed Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard!) and crossed my fingers as I booted up Final...
The Centrica Carnivale part 3
In part 2 we looked at the creation and animation of the “racing waiters” scene… one award done but...
The Centrica Carnivale part 2
In Part 1 we looked at the initial client brief, the pitch animation, and ended up creating some flashing...
Introducing the Centrica Carnivale
3D or AE? How about 3D using AE! At the beginning of 2006 I created a conference opener for...
Battle of the audio track deletion batchers
Just the other day I posted links to VideoToolshed, a resource for a number of handy software utilities gear...