Unlike Mike Curtis, I’m not at FantasticFest, but I still heard about an interesting (to After Effects artists) screening...
Polyvore: Playing Mix & Match
A couple of months ago, we mentioned the Color Marketing Group: a global consortium that attempts to determine what...
On Color Matching
During a job, footage may come from a variety of sources: freshly-shot clips, archival elements, greenscreen, 3D renders, and...
A Bird in the Hand…
The problem with technology is that “something even better” will almost inevitably come out – often after you’ve already...
My first Sticky Pod test
Sticky Pod test from Scott Simmons on Vimeo. Just about one year ago I joined my brother-in-law up in...
After Effects Apprentice Video Tutorial #9
Earlier this year we released After Effects Apprentice (2nd Edition). The DVD-ROM that comes with the book includes an...
Keying with After Effects
Looking for another way to key? Be sure to check out this video for a detailed demonstration of keying...
Review: Sony HXR-MC1 1-CMOS AVCHD POV Camcorder
The HXR-MC1 is a “camera on a rope”. Sony’s HXR-MC1 ($2800, street price) is a “POV” camcorder, an HD...
Banking, real estate and the stock market: all three are prone to “irrational exuberance.” As it turns out, the...
The Rise of Field Monitors
I’ve recently spent a lot of time evaluating our production processes looking for ways to improve efficiency. There were...