Large Scale Final Cut Pro Installations, Part II
This is the second of a two part series on large-scale Final Cut Pro installations. Pie Town Productions currently...
Imagineer Systems 80% Off Sale for the Holidays
Imagineer Systems is offering high-end, high-dollar software solutions at 80% off through the end of December. To give you...
Zacuto’s Great Camera Shootout ’08
Zacuto’s Great Camera Shootout ’08 from Steve Weiss, Zacuto USA on Vimeo. Zacuto (the folks in Chicago who make...
Introduction to the 5D Mark II’s Video Feature
When it comes to the Canon 5D MKII, we have a ringer at our sister site – ProPhoto Coalition....
Bella Editing Keyboard Review
Bella editing keyboards include printed NLE shortcuts in addition to the normal key symbols. Some models include a jog...
After Effects 9.0.1 Update
If you have After Effects CS4 (aka version 9.0), and if you haven’t already gotten into the reflexive habit...
Camera Reports, Done Right
Well no one, and I mean no one enjoys doing paperwork, but like it or not paperwork is a...
On Intro to Color Finesse
As more of us acquire our own media and import it directly into our computers, the art of color...
Ease and Wizz
Virtually all After Effects users take advantage of the Easy Ease keyframe assistants. Applying them makes your animations elegantly...
Awesome Adobe Motion Graphics Research Project
An Adobe engineer posted a demonstration of a sweet little research project recently. It’s a simple, consumer-oriented method of...