Review: Hood-Pro Sock-loupe
The Hood-Pro Sock-loupe turns the EX1's LCD into an EVF. Lots of people have said, “if only there...
After you master shooting footage, applying effects, and keyframing animation, what’s next? Some like to explore having animations driven...
After Effects Error Codes
Occasionally, After Effects has a hiccup. When it does, it often displays a dialog box with occasionally clear, occasionally...
Making “One Man, One Vote”
Ten years ago a fellow named Marshall Spight posted a challenge on DV-L called “Throwing Down the DV Gauntlet”,...
When 25p beats 24p…
There are many times when it makes more sense to shoot and edit video at 25p than at 24p,...
Dymo DiscPainter Review
By Matt$250 The DiscPainter by Dymo is a dedicated printer for CD and DVD disc media. Bundled with...
Scarlet Killers – Attack of the HD DSLRs!
Nikon is claiming its recent release of the D-90 is the first HD DSLR camera. Plus there’s the news...
Imagineer Offering up to 90% Discount to small shops One Day Only
Imagineer Systems is offering an incredible one-day Halloween sale for small production shops and freelancers. Details below… (Courtesy Kevin...
Autodesk+RED Workflow Guide
The RED One camera and its ability to capture large frame size, RAW-format files has certainly ignited the imagination...