Former lovers have a chance encounter with one another, while one initially runs away he realizes the potential of...
“Today of all Days”
“Today of all Days” is an action comedy, mini-webseries about a groom that mistakenly gets pulled into a gun...
Beta Testing New Gear In The Field
I often beta test new gear. Most of it will make it to market, some won’t or will have...
Seamless Pictures Is: Billy BerryCorey CorbettOwen HamiltonVideo and stills shot on Canon 7D Seamless Pictures does: Short FilmsFeature FilmsMusic...
The Haunted Boy
The Haunted Boy, The Secret Diary of The Exorcist- SyFy, Theatrical Premiere, Oct 21 Tivoli theater, St. Louis from...
Cinema 5D HDSLR “A” and “B” Camera Kits
Cinema 5D HDSLR “A” and “B” Camera Kits. from jared abrams on Vimeo.
Fire-Canon 550D/T2i 60fps
Fire-Canon 550D/T2i 60fps from Brandon sloan on Vimeo. Canon 550D/T2ifilmed at 60fps50mm f1.4ISO 400-800no color correcting Music: Go Outside...
When is a NAS not just a NAS
Why do other guys on PVC do all the sexy reviews about stuff like new cameras and I always...
JVC Professional Products Company will host a THX® Professional Video Systems Calibration certification workshop Dec. 7-9, 2010, at its...
Capture One – contender for Aperture and Lightroom?
Capture One has been the professional photographer’s well-kept secret for a number of years. I am not a professional...