I GIVE UP! Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Transmedia
As many have written before, ‘transmedia’ is a divisive term, laden with all manner of conflicting ideas and sometimes...
360 Fulldome Immersive Storytelling, Music+Arts and More….
Steve Roach and Audri Phillips perform in The Vortex Dome As a long time entertainment industry producer and creator,...
How To Get To Transmedia Greenlight (or not)
What’s your batting average for getting transmedia commissions to greenlight? Hard Road to Hoe Several years ago, I knocked...
How Do Successful Media Producers Connect With Modern Audiences?
You’re a successful media producer. But your audience is distracted, the competition is ferocious and you’re not getting any...
Arts/Media Node Chair of The Millennium Project Elected to the PGA’s New Media Council’s Board
Kate McCallum, who serves as Chair of the Global Arts and Media Node of The Millennium Project, was voted...
Transvergence Summit 2013: Anita Ondine, Creative Director, Lead Trainer, Transmedia Next
At the Trans Vergence Summit, attendees, both those familiar and unfamiliar with transmedia, had the opportunity to sit under...
YouTube is Vaudeville 2.0
Pop Quiz: What Am I? An invention dating back nearly half a century has now been popularized, an invention...
Preview of Fan Centric Media
In only a couple of years the 'transmedia' movement has seen the emergence of a worldwide network of groups...
Preview the Coming of Wearable Computing
Let me start with a true confession: I'm not a gamer. Not sure why not — I played board...