Another year, another Cine Gear. Is there any other show that brings together so many unusual film and video toys?

The ACES Central grading theater was held in an open, light-blasted tent in B-tank. It may not have been an ideal grading environment given the poor black level control — but what would I know?

Also in MFT lens news, Chinese company Vazen is launching three MFT-mount 1.8x anamorphics. I didn’t see them, but Matt Allard at NewsShooter did.

Sadly, most CUBIX systems aren’t quite as colorful; transparent piping encourages the growth of bacterial nasties after a while. Production workstations use opaque, un-illuminated cooling systems — but they stay just as cool, even at full throttle.

Disclosure: I visited Cine Gear Expo on my own dime, and none of the vendors portrayed offered me any payments, bribes, free food, or other considerations in return for coverage. Darn it.

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