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Cinema Craft Encoder MP for Compressor 3

Cinema Craft, the industry leader in MPEG-2 encoding for DVD, is going to release a Compressor 3 plug-in by the end of this month. I wrote an article on Ken Stone’s site that takes a look at both the plug-in itself and the technology behind it…the Cinema Craft Xtream encoding engine. The majority of Hollywood releases on DVD have been encoded using the Xtream engine, and it’s the same engine that’s at the core of the Cinema Craft Encoder MP plug-in for Compressor.

In addition to high quality, Cinema Craft Encoder MP is a full Compressor plug-in (vs. a QuickTime Component) so it has access to all of Compressor’s features like frame controls and geometry.

If you’re going to be in Los Angeles on May 21st, 2008, I’m going to do a demo of the software at the May LAFCPUG meeting.


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